Simple. Transparent. Disbursable.

Your firm’s first 3 matters are FREE
during your first month!

Disclosure Ready is priced per matter added to the platform. Firms may choose to bill this as a disbursement to their client.

eBrief Ready subscriber


Per matter per annum
Exclusive of GST

Non-eBrief Ready subscriber


Per matter per annum
Exclusive of GST

Pricing FAQs

A: Legal Ready’s premier product eBrief Ready is widely used throughout Australia within the legal profession. Existing eBrief Ready subscribers receive a discount on the per matter price for Disclosure Ready. 

A: If party A (the subscriber) invites party B, who is not a subscriber, party B can still access the platform. However, party B will have access to limited functionality. They can:

  • Share the matter internally within their firm.
  • Upload documents into the matter.
  • Disclose documents back to party A.

Party B cannot:

  • Share the matter with their clients.
  • Use any AI technology provided by the platform.
  • Perform searching or annotating on the platform.

However, to help party B become familiar with the full functionality of Disclosure Ready, we provide them with a free trial for 3 matters on the platform. After that, they will need to pay for Disclosure Ready in order to access all the functionality available.

A: The annual fee for matters that are on the platform beyond a year is waived if the matter is shared.

A: The per matter price includes up to 500 AI credit card/bank statement queries. AI queries over 500 will cost 25c per query.

A: Volume discounts based on number of matters used on the system will be available later in the year. Please get in touch if you would like to discuss this with us.

A: At the end of the month you will be charged for the number of new matters added to the system during that month. You also have the option to pay by credit card during the registration process, or by contacting our team for assistance when signing up.

A: Yes. You have the option to pay by credit card during the registration process. You can also contact our team for assistance with this if you don’t select ‘Pay by credit card’ at the outset.

A: No. Each firm’s client gains access by a unique hyperlink which they send to them. The link is secure and only the recipient can ever upload or view documents using that specific link.

A: Yes. The pricing model being developed will allow law firms to disburse the software cost for a particular matter. Pricing will be calculated on a per-matter basis.

A: If party A (the subscriber) invites party B, who is not a subscriber, party B can still access the platform. However, party B will have access to limited functionality. They can:

  • Share the matter internally within their firm.
  • Upload documents into the matter.
  • Disclose documents back to party A.

Party B cannot:

  • Share the matter with their clients.
  • Use any AI technology provided by the platform.
  • Perform searching or annotating on the platform.

However, to help party B become familiar with the full functionality of Disclosure Ready, we provide them with a free trial for 3 matters on the platform. After that, they will need to pay for Disclosure Ready in order to access all the functionality available.

Sign up to register your interest
in joining the preview release program

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